Feb 13, 2011

I Think We're Regulars at the ER

Alex had his wisdom tooth taken out the first week of December. We got married and then about a week later, we noticed his mouth was so swolen and he was in pain. The dentist told him he had about an inch break off of bone from his jaw coming out of his gums. After having surgery again to remove the bone, we thought everything was fine. Then a week after that, he was in so much pain one night and the dentist office wasn't open. Our only option was to go to the emergency room and see if they could do anything. They couldn't; so we had to wait until the next day to go to the dentist again. Finally the problem was solved.

That was a week and a half ago.

Just yesterday, Alex was moving our mattress into our bedroom. I offered to help, but Alex is a Marine - he thinks he has to be tough alllll the time.. So he didn't let me help. Next thing you know, the bed bends in half and pushes him into the door and he falls to the floor. I thought he hit his head so I ran over to him and all I hear is, "how did that just hurt my balls!?" Sorry to be graphic, but it was hilarious. He had this huge fall and all he hurt was his "man land"? I couldn't stop laughing! But then he started dry heaving... and he wouldn't get up for two hours. We knew something was wrong so we went to the ER... again. Alex was so embarrassed but they found a minor problem that could simply be fixed by antibiotics and rest. We were so thankful it wasn't anything serious; the doctors' at first thought he needed surgery. After being at the hospital for 6 hours, we got out at 12am.

Hopefully nothing else comes up.... There's never a dull moment with Alex :)


  1. Aw yay you blogged again!

    sorry to hear about all of the er visits .. no fun at all. glad to hear alex is okay tho! jason is the same way when it comes to moving stuff .. usually he'll accept help .. but if im not around he just moves everything by himself .. it drives me crazy!

  2. i know! if he would of just said sure to my offer, he would of never gotten hurt! guys and their macho-ness .. haha it's too much


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