About a month ago now, Alex hurt himself and has been in a lot of pain. (You can read my "We're Regulars at the E.R." blog about what happened.)
A week ago he had to meet with a urologist who found a half inch tear in his urethra. He was given strict orders to not do anything physical, not lift anything over 25 pounds, or walk for over 15 minutes. Anyone who knows Alex, knows he's not one to sit down for a long time; he always wants to get up and do something. So it took a lot for him to just follow those instructions.. but he did a pretty good job, except for here and there, he would stand for more than 15 minutes. His pain was decreasing and we both noticed that everyday it seemed like there was less and less pain. His pain was on and off, so we assumed everything was getting better and healing.
Today he saw the urologist again, who said his tear got bigger by a third of an inch. We both were surprised, and the doctor reemphasized that he needs to follow all the instructions, even if the pain doesn't feel as bad as it did in the beginning; he may just be getting used to the pain since it's been so long that he has had it. So this time around, we'll definitely be adamant with the doctor's orders.
The doctor will be looking at his progress again next week. But as of now, he is scheduled for surgery March. 25th. Hopefully by his next week's appointment, the tear begins to heal so that surgery doesn't need to happen.
Please keep Alex in your prayers.
xoxo beeeeeena.
Oh and I thought this was pretty funny... I was looking for details about torn urethra's and facts about it when I came across this article about Johnny Knoxville who had the same thing a few years ago..
Oh and I thought this was pretty funny... I was looking for details about torn urethra's and facts about it when I came across this article about Johnny Knoxville who had the same thing a few years ago..
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